Next generation products deserve a next generation approach

Industries & Services

Cosmetics & personal care

A comprehensive risk assessment to human health is achieved by performing two undertakings; a hazard and exposure assessment.

Proposition 65

Proposition 65 was first implemented in 1987 with the goal to provide warnings and inform the public about significant exposures to chemicals.

Dietary supplements

kriTOX can help by conducting comprehensive safety evaluations of formulas or ingredients using robust and scientifically sound toxicological evaluation approaches.

About Me

Safety and sustainability are topics increasingly in the spotlight, and are two common tenants throughout my career. My doctoral research in predictive toxicology involved using state-of-the-art next generation in vitro screening techniques in the scope of Next Generation Risk Assessment. This translated well to pharmaceutical and consumer product industries where I led and managed projects involving modelling, in vitro testing, and toxicological assessments of novel ingredients, raw materials, and finished products.


Boris is a fantastic business associate; responsive, direct, quick-thinking, and thoughtful with regard to the projects assigned to him. His flexibility working with our agile timelines helped instill confidence and generated a respected trust from our team to him. Boris’s belief in proper systems and efficient design have been a serious asset to our team. In addition, his understanding of business principles and working within that framework, leave me no reservations about recommending his work.


Craig Harvey PhD DABT ERT
Manager of Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs


Boris is an absolute pleasure to work with. He is prompt in his responses, as well as open and transparent in his communication. His assessments are well-thought-out and rooted in strong science. His expertise and support have helped me and my clients navigate the complexities in understanding the safety/toxicological profiles of novel ingredients and new product formats. I would highly recommend Boris!


Raymond Ip
Founder and CEO

We've had a long term, close knit relationship based on mutual business understanding and respect with Biorius prior to Boris' arrival there. That said, the value Boris has added to that relationship during his tenure so far there has been considerable. He has worked tirelessly to support our business needs and provide key insights in a timely manner to make informed business decisions. He's risen to the occasion of every challenge we've had for him, no matter what's brewing. Some inquiries, he has been able to distil down to a simple touch-base, single email exchange. For others, he's been with us for the long haul, and treated it with professionalism and priority through and through. He's been a contributing factor in our decision to work even more closely and continues to merit the highest recommendation.


Russell De La Mare
Regulatory Supervisor

Working with Boris has always been a pleasure. I have relied upon his depth of regulatory and toxicology experience and have not been disappointed.


Keith Edgett
VP of Research & Development 



Boris has been an important resource for toxicological evaluations needed in our projects. He takes a much-appreciated conservative approach ensuring a robust safety profile of novel ingredients. He is expedient, adaptable to our tight deadlines, and always very responsive to any questions we may have. It has been a pleasure working with Boris and I would highly recommend working with him.


Edna Coryell
COO @ Skin Science Advisors, VP of research @ Versicolor Technologies




Safety implications of rubbing and massaging skincare products

Safety implications of rubbing and massaging skincare products

“Apply by massaging onto skin” or “rub until absorbed” are seemingly innocuous directions of use found on many skincare products, but with potentially significant impact on their safety assessment. The safety assessment of substances is governed by the intrinsic...

Safety of peptides & proteins as cosmetic ingredients

Safety of peptides & proteins as cosmetic ingredients

In “Regulatory aspects of peptides & proteins as cosmetic ingredients”, given their anti-aging activities, it was evident that peptides and proteins make for interesting cosmetic ingredients, with the market of such “cosmeceutical” ingredients enjoying rapid...

Regulatory aspects of peptides & proteins as cosmetic ingredients

Regulatory aspects of peptides & proteins as cosmetic ingredients

The term “cosmeceutical” is a contraction of “cosmetic” and “pharmaceutical” and indicates, as the name suggests, a drug-like effect on the skin. It was coined more than 25 years ago by Professor Albert Klingman and has quickly entered the vocabulary used by...